Hodler’s Woodcutter
Ferdinand Hodler
“As soon as he spiritedly swings the axe upwards, there is a moment when it seems to draw his whole body with it; every muscle is taut; it’s as if, following the thrust of the axe upwards, the guy himself wants to shoot up from the ground …” Ferdinand Hodler to his biographer C.A. Loosli
Provenance Painting
“He is beginning to copy himself, like a monkey.” Cuno Amiet to Giovanni Giacometti, 15.11.1909
Style Impact Memory
Ferdinand Hodler
"... there is a moment when it seems to draw his whole body with it; every muscle is taut; it’s as if, following the thrust of the axe upwards, the guy himself wants to shoot up from the ground …” Ferdinand Hodler to his biographer C.A. Loosli
Provenance Style
“He is beginning to copy himself, like a monkey.” Cuno Amiet to Giovanni Giacometti, 15.11.1909
Painting technique Impact